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Bosco in città

Thomas Pagani

_sito web

Bosco in Città is an oasis of green space that fills with colour during the summer. It's only a few kilometeres from the centre of Milan. It's an experiment of coexistence between diverse environments, in between the Mitteleuropa and Mediterranean Italy.

Parks are those places in which people spend their precious and rare free-time during the winter, where we stop at every small rectangle of green space between the grand buildings of cement to eat a panino, to run or take our children to get their clothes dirty playing football. However, something changes in the summer. Public parks and gardens become full-time holiday oases for those who don't have the possiblity of leaving Milan to spend their summers elsewhere.

Bosco in Città is a good example of a cosmopolitan urbanisation over this time. Masses of barbeques burn quintals of sausages, there are shouts of children and strong odours of mosquito repellents and suncreams. One can also sense the presence of huge middle-eastern birthday parties, South American barbeques and Morrocans challenging the talents of Italian footballers with the festivities of those Milanese students who have just graduated heard in the background.

The work of Thomas Pagani illustrates an interesting aspect of summer life in Milan.

This Lombardy metropolis that stands between the Mitteleuropa and the Mediterranean Italy finds new forms of coexistence and encounters amongst different cultures. In times of crisis, Bosco in Città fills with colour and life especially during the summertime.

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