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Milano under construction

Jacopo Farina

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A new Milano is under construction. Each day workers dig deep, creating holes in the ground and shadows in the sky. My city is on a surgeon's table waiting to wake up again, now it's under anesthetic. I am wondering if she will like what sees in the mirror when she wakes up again. I try not to judge. I am just staring at building skeletons and I am intrigued, thinking about how they can become so huge. I have always liked skeletons, since I was a child: the ones of dinosaurs , so big and scary; the ones of cathedrals, who are not hidden, but become a part of their beauty. Sometimes I wish these building always stayed like this, naked and primordial, proud elements of steel and concrete. I am always rather disappointed when they are covered in banal glass and tiles. They won't be any more as charismatic as they were.

Between the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 I finally decided to enter into the skeleton I was more attracted to: the one of Melchiorre Gioia, next fashion city. It's funny to think that in a few years models and their agents will be running frenetically around these gloomy caves of concrete, and none of them will be able to see the soul of these buildings. I took pictures without people, I entered into the foundations and the floors all under construction and did fall asleep while waiting for the best gray day in which to underline those gray materials.

In the last day of shooting wind and rain were very strong. Everywhere I could hear a metallic echo and smell damp wood and concrete. The building was becoming alive, its materials were awakening. Outside, far away, cars were moving fast and people were running to hide from the rain.

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